Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

PSCO do expect the participation of industry in ONCO exhibition and other events.

Following are the various opportunities for the Pharmaceutics, Equipment Vendors, Biomedical Equipment Companies etc.

Platinum Sponsorship – PKR 5 M or above

The company will provide conference bags that would be printed with the logo and name of the organization on inside flap.

Platinum sponsors will be entitled as follows:

  • 1 “Large Hospitality Suite” (3×5 meters) in Exhibition area at a “Prime Location”.
  • “5” Exhibitor registrations and “one” standard rooms at designated conference hotel.
  • Exclusive promotion opportunity (30 min) – Lunch time Industrial symposium on pre-set oral talks and speakers approved by PSCO secretariat.
  • Acknowledgement as Platinum Sponsors will be displayed on the PSCO website for a month.


Gold Sponsorship – PKR 4 M to < 5 M

Gold sponsors will be entitled as follows:

  • One “Large Hospitality Suite” (3×5 meters) in Exhibition area.
  • “2” Exhibitor registrations and “one” standard rooms in Designated conference hotel.
  • Acknowledgement as Gold Sponsors will be displayed on the PSCO website for a months.

Silver Sponsorship – PKR 3 M to < 4 M

Silver sponsors will be entitled as follows:

  • 1 “Medium Hospitality Suite” (3×4 meters) in Exhibition area.
  • “2” Exhibitor registrations and “1” standard rooms in nearest hotel.
  • Company promotional material, writing pad, pen, flyer, brochure etc. can be placed in the conference bag for enhanced reach to the participants.
  • Acknowledgement as Silver Sponsors will be displayed on the PSCO website for 1 months.

Standard Stall – PKR: 2 M to < 3 M

The standard stall (3×3 meters) during the exhibition would attract an audience of around 1000 people from within the conference, as well as many others being students, faculty and staff of different hospitals. The stall will provide your organization the opportunity to interact with them and promote your products to primary target market.

Sponsors will be entitled as follows:

  • The company promotional material, writing pad, pen, flyer, brochure etc. can be placed in the conference bag for enhanced reach to the participants.
  • Acknowledgement will be displayed on the PSCO website for 1 month.


Sponsoring International invited speaker (cost per speaker) – PKR: 2 M to <3 M

You may wish to sponsor one or more invited speaker(s) from abroad. The cost mentioned is of airfare (economy/business class)/onsite registration and hotel accommodation at conference venue for three nights. For sponsoring an international invited speaker, your company will be entitled to a normal stall.

Sponsors will be entitled as follows:

  • Company promotional material, writing pad, pen, flyer, brochure etc, can be placed in the conference bag for enhanced reach to the participants.
  • Acknowledgement will be displayed on the PSCO website for 1 month


Sponsor Lunch at the event – PKR 2 M to <3 M

Sponsors will be entitled as follows:

  • Company banner will be displayed exclusively at the lunch area for one lunch only, you can sponsor more than one lunch of the conference on the day of your choice.
  • Company promotional material, writing pad, pen, flyer, brochure etc, can be placed in the conference bag for enhanced reach to the participants.
  • Acknowledgement will be displayed on the PSCO website for 1 month.


Sponsor Tea/Support material at the event – PKR: 1 M to < 2 M

Sponsors will be entitled as follows:

  • The company banner will be displayed exclusively at the tea area for one lunch only, you can sponsor more than one tea session of the conference on the day of your choice.
  • Company promotional material, writing pad, pen, flyer, brochure etc, can be placed in the conference bag for enhanced reach to the participants.
  • Acknowledgement will be displayed on the PSCO website for 1 month.

Important Notes:

  1. All funding options are on first-come first-served basis. The locations of stalls/suites are also on availability basis. Please confirm at your earliest and book preferred location of your stall/suite in advance.
  2. “Large Hospitality suite” measures approximately 3×5 meters with extra over spill space and includes 3 tables, 3 chairs, 3 sofas, 1 coffee table, and two electric points, built on pre-fabricated octomom structure and open from 2 sides (front and either right or left depending on the location)
  3. “Medium Hospitality suite” measures approximately 3×4 meters with extra over spill space and includes 2 tables, 3 chairs, 2 sofas, 1 coffee table, and two electric points, built on pre-fabricated octomom structure and open from 2 sides (front and either right or left depending on the location)
  4. “Standard stall” measures approximately 3×3 meters includes 2 tables, 3 chairs, one electric point, build on pre-fabricated octomom structure and open from 1 side (front).
  5. The stalls/suites will be available for you to set up from 6:00 pm one day before the conference. Inauguration of the exhibition will be on first day of conference after the inaugural session and closing time will be third day at lunch 1:00 pm.