Archives: event_calendars
Management of Gynecological Cancers
A Symposium,”Management of Gynecological Cancers” was held at Nishtar Medical University Multan in collaboration with PSCO and CSM, on 22nd August 2020. Prof Dr Ejaz MasoodSecretary PSCO.
PSCO-Clinical Trials
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Cancer Prevention & Cancer Awareness Campaign
The alarming increase in the number of cancer patients in Pakistan, PSCO launched the Cancer Prevention Campaign in the country and increase the opportunities for the public to get information on cancer causing agents: Dietary, Viral and other environmental factors awareness that contributing in Cancer development.Patient awareness, advocacy & survivorship Screening for Cancer of the …
Breast Cancer Awareness Lecture at Nursing College Muzaffargarh on 10.09.21. and THQ Burewala on 22.09.21. ByGeneral Secretary PSCO,Prof Ahmed Ijaz Masood.
Breast Cancer Awareness Lecture at Nursing College Muzafargarh
Breast Cancer Awareness Lecture at Nursing College Muzaffargarh on 10.09.21. and THQ Burewala on 22.09.21. By General Secretary PSCO, Prof Ahmed Ijaz Masood.